اخبار عالمية

The 2021 Academy Awards may be postponed due to Corona

The 2021 Academy Awards may be postponed due to Corona

The evening, which is being observed all over the world, is still scheduled for February 28, but with the closure of American cinemas two
months ago, production stopped and the production network was disrupted, forcing the Academy Academy to change its rules exceptionally.
Freighty quoted an informed source as saying that the Oscars will likely be postponed, indicating at the same time that no formal discussion has yet taken place.
The Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences, which grants these prestigious awards, did not respond to inquiries from AFP on Tuesday afternoon.
Last month, the Academy relaxed these rules to allow films that will not be able to be released in theaters this year due to the Corona pandemic competing for the Academy Awards, stressing that other amendments may be necessary in the future.

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